If you’re like most companies, you know how hard it is to keep your people motivated and engaged. Just trying to get everyone in the same room for the same reason can be difficult; it may be easier to send out a group email than to coordinate everyone's schedules for an in-person meeting.

The written word can be a powerful way to communicate your message, but it's not the only way. People want to consume information quickly and easily, and reading long-form content just doesn't work for everyone. With all the uncertainty and unpredictability all around us these days, the need of the hour is a popular and powerful way to connect with your audience.

Podcasts are the new hotness!

What Is a Podcast?

A podcast is typically a series of audio or video episodes that can be downloaded from the internet. It's often episodic in nature, with each episode being about a particular topic or theme. Some podcasts are presented by one person, while others have a variety of different presenters.

Why Your Business Needs A Corporate Podcast?

An internal company or corporate podcast is a great way to communicate with your staff, especially when some employees are following different schedules or are working remotely.

A podcast or radio show can be shared on your company's intranet, sent directly to employees, or even broadcast in the cafeteria. They are an effective way to keep everyone informed about the latest news and happenings in your organization.

You can find podcasts on every topic imaginable, from food and travel to health and fitness. But there are also podcasts that focus on a specific business or industry, such as technology and marketing.

Need a good reason to start your own company podcast? Well, how about five?

1. Encourages Employee Engagement

2. Builds Brand Awareness

3. Shares Information in an Interesting Way

4. Tells Stories About Your Company or Employees

5. Provides a Platform for Employee Feedback

Here are 9 of the biggest benefits of using an internal podcast as an effective communication tool:

  1. Podcasts work well with busy and/or erratic work schedules. Thanks to our fantastic traffic-clogged cities, employees often spend a lot of time riding, driving or being driven, so podcasts can bring them up to speed, even when on-the-move.
  2. Podcasts are engaging.  If you find your mind wandering when you read your company's internal newsletter, you're not alone. Many people find them boring.  Podcasts allow you to share your story and connect with the people who follow your company in a much more personal way.
  3.  As podcasts gain popularity, more listeners are discovering their vital usefulness as tools for entertainment, information and education.  Podcasts can create an intimate bond between listeners and hosts.
  4. Audience engagement: With podcasting, you can target specific audiences with different types of content.  For example, if you want to engage with a professional audience, you could create a podcast that targets their interests and share it via social media or email newsletters. If you want to engage with an internal audience, you could create a podcast that helps them feel like they belong in the company culture.
  5. Improved brand awareness:  Podcasting is a great way to humanise your brand and open yourself up to new audiences.
  6.  It can help strengthen your company culture.  Use branded podcasts to give employees a voice, discuss your goals with them, and find out what is most important to them.  In addition, you can use podcasts to help new employees get acclimated with how the company operates.
  7. Podcasts that are creatively produced can include skits and simulations of real-world customer, tech & data problems, AND how to solve them.
  8. Employees often need updates and educational information to achieve their best output.  Podcasts are a great way to take in information without disrupting workflow.
  9. Allows you to see who is engaging.  A podcast allows you to see how many people are engaging with your content. By looking at the actions of your employees, you can use a podcast as a tool to better measure performance.

    But don’t stop there. A podcast may be a good opportunity to plug your business in your industry and to be seen as a thought leader. Not just that, it can make your business the go-to for people who have specific issues that need to be solved.

To get you up and running here are 2 actionable ideas on how YOU can use branded podcasts in YOUR workplace:

a. Create a podcast series about your industry or niche. This will help you build credibility as an expert and thought leader in your field.

b. Host a monthly/weekly discussion on current events in your industry. This will keep employees engaged with current trends and show them that you care about what’s going on around them!

So you've finally decided to start a podcast? That's great!

Let's face it: the chances of your employees being productive during their commutes are not very high. If they do listen to music, it's usually only because they have no other option. But what if you could change that? What if a lot of their downtime during the day could be put to good use?

 What if you and your team are working remotely, and you want to keep everyone in the loop?

That's where we come in. At Timbre Media, we help businesses create podcasts that are high quality and professional sounding. We know that sometimes the biggest challenge of starting a podcast is just getting started—so that's why we offer our services at an affordable price point that won't break the bank.

If you're ready to get started, just drop us a line today or just call us at +91 99868 18138 to get started on creating a podcast that meets all of your team's needs!

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